Friday, January 22, 2021

Rama Krishna Govinda!

"At Shivananda Ashram too, bhajans were regular features in the timetable.  The bubbling flood of Ananda that streamed from the Guru transformed the Homage into hilarious hour.  We were surprised from one refrain after another, Sivananda Maharaj, when He led the bhajan, had a childlike, artless way of involving every participant in the singing.  This filled us with elation and expectancy.  He taught deep lessons on spiritual truths in His own intimate way.  "Rama!  Krishna!  Govinda!" the first line may become "Diamond Necklace, Govinda" in the second and "A-B-C-D Govinda" as the third.  The point sought to be emphasised was the Universal Absolute, inherent in all aspects and concepts."

(As narrated by Prof. N. Kasturi in his book "Loving God")

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