Sunday, March 7, 2021

Hurry, Worry and Curry

Q36: Swami!  We are always in a hurry.  We have to rush to so many places to catch up and to keep up with time and work.  In this type of fast life, is it possible to be spiritual?  Can we hurry here in the spiritual field too?

Bhagawan: Today, many of the diseases are due to the three factors very common among you: hurry, worry and curry.  Haste makes waste, waste makes worry.  So don't be in a hurry.  Patience is very important and essential.  In my previous form at Shirdi, I laid emphasis on sraddha and saburi, sincerity and patience.

It is very common to find people running to catch a train or a bus to go to office, and so on.  You wait for any length of time standing in long queues in front of cinema theatres.  But here, you begin to look at your wristwatches wondering why Swami has not yet come out for darshan!  So, you must be patient enough to enjoy real bliss.  For anything to happen, there is a proper time, pre-ordained, pre-determined, and designed by God.  You know Arjuna had to wait  till his 74th year in order to listen to the Bhagavadgita, the Song Celestial, from Krishna although both of them were moving together for years very intimately.  Similarly, you too should wait.  You should not feel "What is this!  Why is Swami not talking to me?"  At the right time, I will do the appropriate thing for you.  See how a fruit falls down on the ground soon after it is ripe detaching itself from the tree!  You will have to wait till the time is ripe for you.  You can't and shouldn't be in a hurry in the spiritual field.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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