Anybody who has been in Swami's vicinity would have been a witness to innumerable materializations that Swami does from the thin air everyday to confer small gifts of love and grace in the form of vibhuti, or a ring, a chain, a watch, etc. Why does He do it? Is it to draw people? Swami once said,
"No, it is just a spontaneous expression of My love. When you wish to show affection to your son, or if you want to make someone happy, you make him a sports shirt or buy him a present, do you not? In the same manner, Swami also wants to give you happiness with these small gifts."
On another occasion, in an inteview that He gave to a newspaper editor, many years back, He said,
"It is never for "pradarshan" (or show), it is always for "nidarshan" (or evidence), it is just like a play, sport - my natural behaviour. It is a sign which helps to turn into faith, devotion inquiry and realization of their own Atma (spirit). As the intention or the will arises in the mind, the thing is made! It is ready when I want it. The moment it is willed, the thing comes to hand or happens where I will it to happen."
(From Heart to Heart - Nov. 2005)
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