Tuesday, February 1, 2022

"Difficulties are our Friends"


"The Chinese have esteemed the heart as their native land. The heart is subject to troubles and difficulties. From ancient times and to some extent even to-day, the Chinese have observed one ritual every morning before beginning their day's chores. They declare: “Difficulties are our friends. Let us invite them." The Chinese have looked upon difficulties as their friends. They have recognised that without trouble no good can be realised. They used to start the day's work with this thought before them. The Chinese also realised that true happiness comes from the satisfaction of a task well done. 

In Bharat also there is the dictum, "Uddharet Atmana Atmaanam" (Raise the Self by the Self). What is it that can raise the Self? It is our own good conduct. Our good conduct is not for elevating the country, but for elevating ourselves. A whetstone is used for sharpening a knife, not for making the whetstone smoother. 

Likewise, in this world, your good conduct improves you and, as a result the world."

- Sri Sathya Sai Baba -

(Divine Discourse - 13.2.1997) 

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