Friday, February 4, 2022

The Emperor

"There was an emperor who always asked the sages who visited his palace, “Who is the best among men? Which moment of time is most blessed? Which act is most beneficial?” He could not get satisfactory answers for a long time. 

Eventually his realm was invaded and he had to flee into the jungle. There he was captured by a tribe who selected him as an offering to their goddess. In this precarious condition, he was rescued by an ascetic who took him to his hermitage, where he and his students lovingly tended him back to health and happiness. Amidst that loving and serene environment, the king discovered the answers to his questions. 

The best amongst all is the one who has compassion. The most blessed time is the ‘present’ and the best act is to relieve another’s pain and grief. Do not postpone what you can do today, now, this very moment, to a future date!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

 (Divine Discourse - 7.9.1966)

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