Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Baba's Storytime - Krishna and the Gopika


Once a Gopika went to a well to bring two pitchers of water.  After placing one pitcher on her head, she wanted someone to place the other water-filled pitcher on the first one.  Krishna refused to do so.

Soon another Gopika came along and helped the first Gopika.  The Gopika carrying the two pitchers reached her home.  Krishna followed her to the house, without even waiting to be asked, took the top pitcher from the Gopika's head and placed it down.  She was surprised at Krishna's strange behaviour.

She asked him, "Krishna, at the well, you refused to place the pitcher on my head, when I appealed to you to help me.  Now you take it down from the head without my asking  What is the inner meaning of this action?"

Krishna replied, "Oh Gopika, I am wont to remove the burden borne by the people and not to add to them."

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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