Saturday, March 26, 2022

Blaming God


"Very often people who experience troubles in life complain: "Why is the Lord subjecting me to trials like these?"

The truth is, the Lord neither punishes nor rewards anyone.  The devotee has only to do his duty and leave the results to God.  If the actions are good, the fruits will also be good.  If the actions are bad, the results will be equally bad.  Hence without examining the nature of one's actions, there is no meaning in blaming God for what one experiences.

One devotee was said to have exclaimed: "Oh Lord!  Among the millions of beings on earth, how will your eyes fall on me?  You are not looking at me at all.  Won't you see me?"

The devotee heard a voice saying: "Oh devotee!  You are immersed in so many activities that you have hardly set your eyes upon Me.  You have hardly devoted any thought to Me.  Who then, has forgotten whom?  Is it you or me?"

People are involved in mundane concerns and are deeply immersed in worldly activities.  All their thoughts relate to these actions.  They worry about some relation or friend in some distant corner of the world but cannot think of God who is so near to them.  And when they are in trouble, they wail "Oh Lord, has thou forgotten me?"

It is only when you recognise your own faults that you begin to understand the ways of the Divine.  What we witness today is the tendency to forget one's faults and go about blaming God for one's sufferings.  Every action, however small or trivial, has its reaction.

Nothing happens without a cause.  Every object has its reflection.  The Lord awards fruits according to one's actions.  Good actions earn good returns.  Bad actions result in bad consequences."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

(Divine Discourse - 3.5.1987)

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