Thursday, March 24, 2022

My Vibhuti


Swami once asked a pharmacist, "What is the difference between medicines and sweets?"

Unable to give a proper reply, he kept wondering as to what could be the relation between medicines and sweets.

Bhagawan Himself provided the answer, "If there are ten persons and you have enough sweets for five persons, you can divide the sweets into ten parts and satisfy everyone.  However, if you have medicine for a hundred persons, you can treat only a hundred patients with full dosages.  You have to just turn away the remaining patients without giving them anything."

One devotee, Upadhyay asked Him, "Swami, it is difficult to send people away without giving them anything.  They come from long  distances.  What can we do in such situations?"

Bhagawan instantly replied "Give them vibhuti!"

Upadhyay queried, "Swami, many of the people have no knowledge of the power of vibhuti, they lack faith.  Will it still work?"

Baba smiled and said, "You are an eye doctor.  What will you do when you get a patient with a kidney problem?"

"I will refer the patient to a kidney doctor."

"How will you do that?"

"I will do it by giving him a reference note for the kidney doctor."

Then Swami lovingly said, "The moment vibhuti touches the patient's forehead, he is referred to Me and it becomes My responsibility to take care of him!  The vibhuti is your note to Me."

The doctors were struck by the power of the revealing assurance from the Divine Doctor.

(From: Sathyam Sivam Sundaram Vol. VI)

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