Sunday, March 6, 2022

The Generation Gap

Q63: Swami!  Modern youth, in the name of generation gap, are not prepared to pay heed to their elders.  Advise and give us your message.

Bhagawan: This is meaningless.  What are the changes you notice in the name of generation gap?  The sun rises only in the east and never in the west.  There is no change in the laws of nature.  Don't you feed the same stomach everyday?  Don't you wash the same face everyday?  Don't you clean the same utensils everyday?  Don't you wear the same clothes?  So, all important things need to be done time and again.  In the name of generation gap, you should not neglect doing things that need to be repeated.

You shouldn't turn a deaf ear to the advice of your elders branding them as senile, old hags.  No.  They are persons with rich experience.  They are your well wishers.  You must listen to them, obey and follow their instructions.  The modern generation is not prepared to listen to the elders.  It is foolishness and utter ignorance to brush aside all that the elders say.  It amounts to pride and egotism.  You will be ultimately ruining yourself if you don't follow the valuable advice of elders.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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