Thursday, March 17, 2022

Trayee Story


When Swami speaks to students in Trayee, there is only one purpose - to mould their character.

The Trayee Discourses have a unique character of their own, and are quite different from the public Discourses that one is generally used to.  Swami's voice is soft, gentle, loving and most affectionate.  It is very much like a mother talking to her children; indeed, it is nothing but that.  When Swami speaks to students in Trayee, there is only one purpose - to mould their character.  He does this in innumerable ways, illustrating His points with appropriate stories and historical anecdotes.

There are days when Swami takes it easy, leaving the proceedings entirely to teachers, students and the elders present.  Some evenings it is all music, with the boys displaying their skills in both singing and in playing various musical instruments.  Occasionally, it is all jokes, with even Swami narrating a few amusing ones of His own!  At times, Swami just sits in the jhoola and asks the boys to chant the Vedas in unison.  And while they chant, He is in pure bliss.  Occasionally, He chants along with the boys, though very softly.

In May, it is vacation for the boys, and most of them go home to be with their parents.  Some, however, stay on.  When the number of students is small, Swami permits ladies and parents of students also to be present in Trayee.  The sessions now acquire yet another complexion.

One such day in the month of May, Swami spotted a small boy about seven years old seated near Him, and started teasing the boy in various ways.  He then said, "Listen, get married."  

The boy said, "No, Swami."  

"I have selected a nice girl for you."

"No, Swami."

"Why are you saying "No, Swami?"  The girl I have selected is very good looking and an ideal match."

Again, "No, Swami."

"Why "No, Swami?"

Without a moment of hesitation, the boy replied, "Too much problem, Swami!"

Everyone burst into laughter, including the mother of the boy who was present.  Joining the laughter, Baba said with a twinkle in His eyes, "See?  He already knows!"  More laughter!  

After some moments, He added, "That is what the boy is saying now but wait till he grows up to twenty two or so; then he will change his mind."

A small lesson there.

(Courtesy of SSSMC)

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