Saturday, April 23, 2022

Bhagawan's Grace

What is the worship that can draw Bhagawan’s grace? On the auspicious occasion of Aradhana Mahotsavam, Bhagawan blesses us with a beautiful reminder.

"You are all My Limbs, nourished by Me. You constitute the Sai Body. Sai will send you sustenance, wherever you are and whatever your function, provided you give Sai the things Sai considers sweet and desirable like virtue, faith, discipline and humility. Be happy that you are a limb of the Sai Body. Do not complain that you are the foot and so have to tread the hard ground. Do not be proud that you are the head and so, up and above. It is the same bloodstream, the stream of Prema (love) that circulates in both; the function of each is as valuable as the function of every other limb. The function of each limb is also unique, remember; so do not give room to despondency. Your part is something special, which only you can play. You cannot walk on your head; you cannot think with your feet. Let whatever be your position, win grace by your virtue, that is the main gain."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 29.3.1967)

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