Tuesday, May 10, 2022

Happiness is Union with God


If you wish to enjoy enduring happiness, fill your mind with pure thoughts and entertain fine feelings in your heart - Baba 

"Here is an illustration from our daily experience. While going in a bazaar, if a person sees someone crying he asks him, "Why are you crying?" Other passersby also question him. If in the same bazaar another person is going about in a jolly mood, no one goes to him to inquire about the cause of his happiness. Happiness is considered to be the natural condition of man. He seeks it all the time. Sorrow is repugnant to man. It is a weakness of man to give room to grief. By falling prey to grief in many lives, man is perpetually plunged into sorrow. For a person who has firm faith in God, there will be no cause for sorrow. Those who give way to sorrow are persons who have not understood the Divine Principle. All that is connected with the body is temporary and transient. What men should seek is enduring bliss. Happiness is union with God."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 11.5.1998)

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