Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Sai Blossoms


"I know that during moments of emotional frenzy, you set aside your real nature and you indulge in abusing others or wish that they come to harm or exult over their distress. Such evil thoughts get implanted in your own minds and grow wild, yielding for your consumptions, distress and dishonor in return. Why worry about others? Speak to them if you like them. If you do not like them, leave them alone. Why seek faults in them and talk ill of them? To do so is to invite spiritual downfall. Such people lose all the gains they hope to secure by japa, puja, dhyana or darshan (repetition of Lord’s Name, ritual worship, meditation and divine vision). They will remain bitter despite all these sadhanas (spiritual disciplines), like the bitter gourd which a pilgrim carried with him, intending to make it sweet by dipping it in holy waters."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(SSS Vol. 17)

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