Monday, May 23, 2022

Surrender and Trust


Surrender and trust,

Surrender and trust.

We know that we should, but we rarely do.

To try to accomplish it we must,

For we know that Baba wants us to.

What is it in us that gets in the way

Of total surrender to His will?

Desires and ego Baba will say,

Which we must discover how to kill.

But how can we manage this difficult task

Of letting go of our fondest dreams?

Baba will help us if we ask,

But we must be willing to give Him the means.

We cling to people and places and things

As sources of our security.

He gives us vibhuti, medallions and rings

To link us to Him for eternity.

With surrender and trust from morning to night,

Our lives will take on a brand new lease

And we'll discover, to our delight

That we have exchanged our worries for peace.

~ Phyllis Krystal ~

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