Sunday, May 8, 2022

Thought vs. Intuition

Q140: Swami!  How can we differentiate thought from intuition?

Bhagawan:  Thought is the outcome of the mind and hence it is dual while intuition is non-dual.  A thought may arise according  to your convenience.  But intuition is beyond both mind and intellect; it is direct perception of truth and hence it stands for conviction.  So intuition is said  to be buddhi which is transcendental, buddhi grahyamati ndriyam.

A thought may be right or wrong, but the prompting of an intuition is nothing but truth.  Thoughts are mostly of a sensual and worldly nature.  But intuition is the inner voice or the voice of conscience and is divine.  Your intelligence may sometimes lead you to a situation when you begin to doubt or suspect even your wife.  Sometimes you may also turn mad.  But conscience or intuition awakens your inner awareness.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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