Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Where Do You Come From?


The most common conversation that I have heard between Bhagavan and a devotee in the Mandir verandah is Swami asking the devotee, "Where do you come from?"

Invariably, the devotee replies: "Swami, Canada", "Swami from Delhi", "Swami, Italy" and so on.  But this dialogue goes on everyday and often one starts wondering as to why Swami asks the same question every time.  Does He not know where we come from and why the same question again and again?

Later, we understood that Swami does this to set us on the path of introspection.  We start thinking, "Hey, what is wrong with my answer?  What does Swami expect from me?"  Thus begins our inward journey, a journey of self introspection wherein the mind is used as the instrument to turn itself within and look for a deeper meaning and purpose in life.

Now we all know that an appropriate answer to this question is, "Swami, I have come from you."  Many devotees have given this answer and we have seen a blissful smile on Bhagavan's face.  But well, you can never outsmart Him.  When I discovered this answer, I got fully prepared for the situation, if at all it would arise; and arise it did.  One day, it was Darshan time.  Bhagavan came towards me and asked, "Where do you come from?"

With great joy and a sense of pride for I was well prepared, I replied, "Swami, I have come from you."  Immediately I saw a frown on Swami's face instead of the blissful smile that I expected and He said, "That is different saar, which place do you come from?"

I knew I was caught.  Whom was I talking to?  The indweller of my heart.  How could I play with Him?  Swami wishes that the answer must come as a result of deep self inquiry and not merely from the tip of our lips.  The journey inwards has to be undertaken.

~ G.S. Srirangarajan ~

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