Saturday, June 18, 2022

Leave the Result

"When work is undertaken with an egoistic attitude, impelled by selfish motives and inspired by hopes of self-advancement, it feeds greed, pride, envy and hatred. Then, it fastens the bond and fosters the feeling of attachment to more and more profitable work. It promotes ingratitude to those who lent their hands and brains, and to God Himself who endowed the person with urge and skill. "I did it", one says when the work succeeds; or "Others spoiled my success" when it fails. Resentment, depression and despair follow when work results in failure. The more deeply one is attached to the fruits, the more intense and painful is one's grief when one is disappointed. The only means, therefore, to escape from both pride and pain is to leave the result to the Will of God, while one is happy in the thought that one has done one's duty with all dedication and care that one is capable of!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 10.9.1984)

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