Monday, August 22, 2022

Baba's Storytime - Enslave Yourself to God, Not Man

Maintain your self respect as Draupadî did. When she was about to be humiliated in the open court where her husbands, who had staked her and lost her in dice-play to the wicked Kauravas, were present, she was so enraged that if she had only cast a look on the gang of ruffians who had won her and dragged her thither, they would have collapsed into heaps of ash; instead, she looked at Dharmarâja, the eldest husband who had staked her and who was sitting before her with downcast eyes. That look quietened her a little. 

Then she uttered a curse, which echoed over earth and heaven. "May the wives of these vipers who laid their hand on my hair and dragged me here, lament their widowhood, waving their loosened hair, in inconsolable grief. Until then, I shall not plait the hair which these barbarians have unloosened now". She proclaimed, in the hearing of all, her lineage, and its reputation for self respect and her resolve not to tarnish it or demean it. 

Maintain the dignity of your lineage of RâmaKrishnaHaricandra, Mira, Tyagaraja, Tukaram, Ramakrishna and Nandanar. The glory of your lineage is like a carefully rolled ball of thread. Any slip on your part will result in its disastrous entanglement. So beware! Enslave yourself to God and not man. Hold fast to your sâdhana.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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