Friday, September 30, 2022

Are We Working for the Lord?


“There was another such profound moment in the seventies. One day Swami asked all the ashram inmates to assemble at 2 pm in the bhajan hall. On His instruction all the doors and windows were closed. Swami asked Mr. Kutumba Rao, the caretaker of the ashram then, to speak. The respected elder gave everyone a bitter dose for their betterment.

“He said, ‘Swami is happy that devotees like you have left all your comforts and conveniences and have decided to settle down in Prasanthi Nilayam. But what has displeased Him is the way you conduct yourself after you become a part of the ashram. Many of you are spending time socialising and engaging in meaningless gossip. Swami expects a much higher level of discipline from you. None of you are doing enough for Swami.’

“The moment he mentioned this, Swami asked him to stop and He Himself rose to speak and said, ‘Whatever Kutumba Rao said is correct except the last line. He said that nobody is doing enough for Swami. The truth is nobody needs to do anything for Swami. Please remember that this is an opportunity for you to sanctify your life. In fact to help you in this endeavour, I have created so many avenues so that you will find ways to sublimate your stay here. Actually, it is quite a headache for Me to create these chances for you. I have to spend more time undoing the wrongs you do. In reality it will be easy and smooth for Me to not depend on you. But then you have to learn to liberate yourself through sacred actions.’

“‘In the Ramayana too, if Rama wished He could have got back Sita in a fraction of a second. All He had to do was will – ‘Let Ravana be dead. Let Sita come’. That's it. But then so many, from monkeys and bears to stones and humans, would not have got that opportunity to be His instruments and experience that divine joy. It was for their sake that Rama took all the trouble. It is the same now too. Be grateful for this blessing that has come your way; do not fritter it away. Realise its importance and work towards your immortality.’

“This is the spirit with which we should do anything for Swami, be it bhajan or seva or study circle. I always remind myself of this and shed tears of gratitude for the immeasurable blessings He has conferred on me and continues to cover me with, even now in His own mysterious ways. If I am still able to sing, it is His grace. If I am leading such a peaceful retired life, it is His benediction. If I have now successfully relocated to Prasanthi Nilayam to spend the last phase of my life at His proximity and am able to have His darshan every morning at the Sannidhi, it is nothing but yet another splendid sign of this beautiful love between me and my Sai Krishna.”

(Radio Sai Team)

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