Thursday, September 22, 2022



Q6: Swami!  We don't find any understanding between any two persons, but only mutual bickering and differences.  We hardly find any unity or brotherhood between man and man.  What is the reason?

Bhagawan: There is one thing you should clearly know when you think of unity and differences among people.  What is the reason?  Today there is no understanding between any two persons.  The absence of understanding is the main cause of all conflicts, enmity and differences.  Therefore, people do not adjust with others.  Adjustment is possible only when there is understanding.  But today you are moving in the opposite direction.  You think that you can adjust first and then understand each other. but that is wrong.  You must first understand and adjustment then becomes easy.

Here is a small illustration.  When there is perfect understanding between you and your wife, she does not mind if you return home late from your office.  She pities you and sympathises with you.  With all her concern and love, she brings you a cup of coffee. But if by any chance, there is a slight misunderstanding and your return from office is delayed even by five minutes, there will be a civil war at home.  Why?  Misunderstanding is the cause of her inability to adjust.  It makes her put questions like: "Where have you been till now?  Where did you go?  With whom did you spend the time?" etc.  So understanding is very necessary for proper adjustment.  Many problems of society today can be solved is this is realised.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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