Thursday, September 1, 2022



"All the powers that you find in the external world are present in man. The human body itself is a generator of electricity. The human mind can be compared to television and the heart to a radio. When a particular programme is broadcast on Delhi Radio Station, you are able to hear it at the same time by tuning your radio to the appropriate frequency. Today we have radios, but in those days, people considered their hearts as radios. So, make your hearts pure and sacred. All that you see in the external world can be visualized on the screen of your mind. So, the mind itself is a television. All the powers are latent in man. All that you see outside is nothing but the reflection and resound. When you criticize or abuse someone, it means you are seeing the reflection of your own bad feelings in him. Good and bad arise from within, they are not outside."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 11.8.2000)

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