Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Sai Madhuryam


Whenever you look, you must only see God; 

'Tis folly to see anything else. 

When you walk, you must walk with God; 

‘Tis foolish to take any other path. 

When you speak, speak only the Truth; 

All other talk is futile. 

When you sing, sing about the greatest truths; 

All other singing is an aberration.

 When you hear, you must listen only to the Lord's bhajans.

 You must seek only to see God. 

God must be your only Goal. 

What greater truth is there than this, 

Oh good people that are assembled here? 

Sweeter than sugar, 

Tastier than butter,

More sweet than pure honey, 

When you utter the Name. 

It is like nectar itself: 

Reflect on it always Oh mind! 

On the name of Rama. 

Life is impermanent in this world, 

Youth and wealth are also transient; 

So are wife and children,

 Only Dharma and Fame endure for ever.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

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