Thursday, September 15, 2022

When Swami's Face Turned Red


Indeed rare are those instances when Swami has gone red in face. But there is one episode when a student put Swami in exactly that situation. It happened so casually and so fast. It was during the ‘walkie-talkie’ days. (Don’t know what days those are? Those were times when Swami would keep walking around the students’ seating area and talking to them. Thus the name, ‘walkie-talkie’ days as Swami Himself referred to!)

Swami was walking with His hands tied behind Him. He came across a student and stopped. The student was sitting straight upright with his palms folded in respect. Swami looked at him and asked how he was. The boy was happy that Swami had spoken to him. Next, Swami revealed something. He said,

“The mind is troubling you. Lots of bad thoughts. Right?”

The boy was no doubt amazed with Swami’s omnipresence and thrilled at this interaction. However, his response was something that Swami ‘did not expect’ (in the worldly sense of course - what is Swami not aware of?). 

The boy said, “Yes Swami! But don’t worry. They are just passing clouds. They will be gone.”

A surprise spread over Swami’s face which almost turned red. He told him, “Ay! Adi Na Cheppali!” (meaning: Ay! That is my line to say!)

In his spontaneity and innocence, the boy had straight used Swami's line on Him!  Swami smiled and walked away.

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