Friday, October 7, 2022

Conversations with Sai - Swami Says "Yes" to Everything


H: Swami is often heard saying, "Yes, yes, yes."

SAI: "Yes, yes, yes" refers to inner acceptance.  Experiences and situations arise in the life of a person.  His tendency is to say "yes" to that which is pleasing and "no" if the prospect is otherwise.  This is a great mistake.

Swami says "Yes, yes, yes" to everything that comes to Him.  All is the gift of God.  Every experience given by God is good.  Through sincere and loving inquiry, that "good" will be found in every experience.

"Yes, yes, yes" refers to inner acceptance.  But there is bad work and good work.  Whatever they are, they are real.  "Yes, yes, yes" does not change them.  A man locks his valuables in a safe and carries away the key in the belief that it is safe.  But thieves take the safe and break it open.  So one must be sure that he understands the essentials of every situation.

H: All the subtle inside and outside tasks to be done!  Spiritual life seems very difficult.

SAI: Vital to spiritual life is self-confidence, the conviction that one is the atma.  Spiritual life is easy.  There are some initial problems as in learning anything.  But it is easy.  A bowl turned upside down remains dry no matter how heavy the rain.  Whereas a bowl turned up collects some rain even tough the rain is very light.

If the heart is turned towards God, some grace will be received.  If the interest and devotion is intense, grace will fill the bowl.  It is life in the outer world that is endless trouble, whereas spiritual life is easy.  One already has the necessary concentration.  To be reborn again requires no work.  Not to be reborn again requires much work.  To gain wealth requires much work.  To remain poor requires no work.

(Source: SSSMC)

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