Monday, October 3, 2022

No Trouble


A Danish gentleman had been left alone to seek Swami's darshan while his wife stayed back home to take care of the household.  The husband was blessed with several interviews and phoned his wife to share his joy.

However, at home, the heating system broke down, the washing machine too and all sorts of calamities seemed to happen in the household.  The wife got very annoyed and in her mind she blamed Swami, crying out: "Why do you give him so much attention, Swami, and for me you only give trouble!"

At the same time, the husband was again called for an interview and Swami said: "Your wife has a hot of temper."  The husband who knew nothing about the wife's troubles at home, answered, "No, Swami, she is very sweet."  Swami insisted: "But she has a very hot temper."  The husband replied: "But Swami, I have no trouble with her."

Then Swami remarked: "No, you may not have any trouble with her."

(From the book "Sai Humour")

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