Saturday, October 22, 2022

Sai Blossoms


"When the worship of God starts in the shrine room, the first act of yours is 'lighting a lamp’, isn't it? Without a lit lamp, no auspicious ceremony is initiated. When the lamp of love is shining, God manifests! Keep it burning bright and pure, God persists! Allow all to light their lamps from it, you will experience God showering grace! God, first; the world, next; myself last! That is the legitimate sequence for the sadhaka (spiritual aspirant); and, who is not a sadhaka? You have to be one, now or later, so that you can be liberated from this cycle of birth-death! Now, man, in his callousness towards his own welfare, has turned it topsy-turvy! It is 'myself first, the world next and God is last’. Because of this, God is lost too! Hold fast to God, then you will be safe. You can hold fast to him, either through Jnana, Bhakti or Karma marga (paths of knowledge, worship or work)."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba  (Divine Discourse - 29.10.1970)

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