Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sai Madhuryam

On the occasion of Bhagavan's sixtieth birthday, He began His discourse with a poem in which He declared His avataric advent as the continuation of all the earlier avatars from Narasimha to Sri Krishna. 

He alone is a real man 

Whose thought, words and deeds 

Are in perfect harmony. 

How can he be a genuine man 

When his mind is divorced from speech and deed 

And all three are not in harmony? 

If birth, old age and death don't happen, 

If desires don't fail and gain isn't lost,

If the world isn't the fleeting flow it is, 

How could man have affection, compassion, love? 

The attributes and qualities which were assumed 

When, to save Prahlada, the Supreme Person came; 

The attributes and qualities which were assumed 

When, to save the elephant, the Lotus-eyed came; 

The attributes and qualities which were assumed 

When, to save the poor Kuchela the Lord of Veda came; 

The attributes and quashes which were assumed 

When, to save the boy, Dhruva, 

He came from Heaven; 

Now, with all the attributes, all the qualities has come, 

He whom the gods adore, the Refuge of the Rejected. 

The Lord of all the worlds, the Lord of Infinite Glory, 

As all Existence, as all Knowledge and All Bliss in one Form embodied 

As Puttaparthi Sathya Sai, the Over-lord of all that Is.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

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