Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The Silver Kumkum Container


One day shortly after Geeta Ram arrived in the USA, one elderly Indian lady came to her house. Geeta had not even unpacked her luggage but according to custom, she wanted to give the elderly lady fruits and Kumkum, a custom followed in many parts of India.  She kept the Kumkum in a silver container, which could be easily located.  Her parents had taught her thus from early childhood.

On this occasion, however, she could not find it, much to her chagrin.  Her irritation welled up and she felt slighted that Swami put her through this kind of petty test.  Why He couldn't put her through a better test, she wondered, to which she felt she was entitled.  She unpacked her suitcases the next day and not finding the silver container, became even more upset.  Smarting with pain, she blamed Swami for being so busy with the students that He had no time for her.

Half an hour later, there was a knock at the door.  She opened the door to find an Indian person at the doorstep, who wanted to know whether she was Dr. Padmanabhan's daughter, Geeta.  On being assured of her identity, the visitor told her that she was on her way from the airport and that Geeta's parents had given her a small package to be given to Geeta telling her that Swami had given this package during His Birthday celebration.  Geeta opened the package and inside it was her silver container with Kumkum in it.

(From the book "Mother Sai's Miracles of Love")

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