Monday, October 16, 2023

Devotion and Surrender


Question: What is the difference between devotion and surrender?

Baba: In devotion there are two: a devotee and God.  You are devoted to God so you are the devotee.  Without God, there cannot be a devotee.  Without the devotee, there cannot be God.  God is there because the devotee is devoted to God.  Therefore in the matter of devotion, there are two things: devotee and God.  This is what is called "dualism" or "dwaita".

In surrender, you do not exist because you are dissolved completely.  When you offer yourself and everything to God, you don't exist later.  There is no two, only one.  That is "advaita" - "oneness".  Example: Take sugar and water.  When you mix the two, it is completely dissolved.  Now there is only one - syrup.  Likewise, in surrender, to God, you do not exist.  There is only one that exists.  This is called the theory of non-dualism or advaita.  So surrender is advaita, non-dualism while devotion is dwaita or dualism.

(From the book "Divine Directions" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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