Thursday, November 9, 2023

The Truth of the Universe


Our over-indulgence with the body hampers our recognition of our true destination - BABA

"Most men spend their lifetime allotted or earned by them partaking rich, harmful food and drink, and indulge in glamorous, more harmful pastimes. What a pathetic waste of precious life! Though belonging to animal genus, man has much more than his fellow beings in physical, mental and moral equipment. He has memory, language, conscience, reverence, awe, wonder and an inexplicable sense of discontent which is a precursor of detachment. He has the glorious chance of visualising his identity with the Mystery that’s manifested as Universe; but he’s so sunk in ignorance that he behaves like an animal and wallows in grief and vice. It’s as if fire has forgotten its capacity to burn, or water its nature to wet; man has forgotten his nature to reach out into his Godhood, his capacity to seek and secure the Truth of the Universe of which he is a part, his capacity to train himself by virtue, justice, love and empathy to escape from the particular to the Universal."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 17.2.1966)

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