Thursday, June 6, 2024

Results of Pilgrimage

As people plan for vacations, pilgrimages and visits to temples, what are the important aspects to keep in mind? 

"You go from place to place like postal parcels, collecting impressions on the outer wrapper, not on the core of your inner being. A blind man going places is not worried whether it is night or day. So too, you do not differentiate between one temple and another. You behave equally unconcerned, equally sense-centred in all places. You do not allow the holiness of the sacred place to act on your mind. As a result of pilgrimage, your habits must change for the better; your outlook must widen; your inward look must become deeper, you should become steadier. You must realise the omnipresence of God and oneness of Humanity. You must learn tolerance and patience, charity and service. After the pilgrimage is over, you must determine to seek, sitting in your own home and ruminating over your experiences, the higher, richer and the more real experience of God-realisation. I bless you that you may form that determination and, striving step by step, achieve that Goal."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 28.2.1964)

Only non-attachment can grant supreme peace. The company of the pious and visits to holy places and holy people promote that attitude and habit. BABA

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