Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Why Does Swami Speak on Love Repeatedly

Somebody asked Bhagawan as to why He always spoke on love repeatedly.  Every message of His refers to this love.  The reason for this is simple.  When Swami speaks of love, it ought to help us to look at the hatred lying dormant.  Swami's theme on love helps to discover this rancour.  Baba speaks of love repeatedly because there is no love in us.  If we love, he does not have to speak on love repeatedly.

Swami says that He speaks of love again and again because we only hear and don't love.  All of us appreciate Swami's speech but we do not live the love.  Therefore, to make us live love, He repeats the message of love every time.  He has to do this so that we may stop playing our ego games in the name of love.

This is how we have to understand His message.  Baba's exhortations are not merely repetition.  All that is heard is useless unless it is experienced.  All that is appreciated is in vain unless it is lived.  One has to live it and experience it.  That is the purpose of the Sai Advent and hence we have to think that it is "Now or Never".

The time to act is now, not later  If we don't follow Truth and are not truthful, we will never know the Truth.  Let us savour peace now; otherwise it may be too late.  It is "Now or Never".

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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