Tuesday, June 11, 2024

You Can Also Look Young Like Me


Everyone wants to look young, though it is not so.  Naturally then, once when Swami mentioned about the secret of looking young, everyone expressed keen interest.  Bhagawan said, "You can also look young but only if you have no worries and anxiety.  If you have no worries, if you have no anxieties, if you re free from thoughts, you can be young like Me."

The answer is simple but tough to accomplish because the mind cannot be easily withdrawn, and a thoughtless state becomes very difficult.  The "no mind" state is the final reality.  It is the ultimate step into spirituality or sadhana, but it is so tough, so difficult to accomplish.  It is so simple to say, but that state is not easy to accomplish.  Hence, there is every need to master the mind for gaining health and strength and not to age fast.

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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