Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Be Alert


The Master Voice of Bhagawan through His discourses wants each one of us to be alert.  What does "alert" mean?  We have to remember: what point is Swami going to make now?  What timely reminder is He going to make?  What pearls of wisdom will we collect this morning?

We need alertness because we take things for granted.  When it comes to Swami's discourses, we adopt an attitude of deja vu.

But we have to understand that we are not the same this year.  Therefore, the same thing has to be said in a different context, a different meaning and repeated with different applications, relevant to changing situations.  Things may appear to be repetitive but nothing He says is repetitive, if only we take it inwardly and with reflection.  The divine message is not repetitive, though outwardly it may appear to be so.

The sun rises every day.  In spite of this, sunrise is beautiful, fresh and magnificent.  So, can we say that sunrise is repetitive?  Similarly, can the smile of a child be boring?  If one finds the smile of a child repetitive one is lacking the right spirit.

The sunrise, the sunset, the breeze and the rain - all these are cool and fresh.  Though they happen regularly, they are not repetitive.  Similarly, Bhagawan's Master Voice is not and never will be repetitive, which we understand when we are alert, awake and aware.  If we sleep, nobody can help us.

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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