Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Right Approach to Life


What is the right approach to life that can take us swiftly towards the ultimate goal? 

"Practise the attitude of offering every act at the feet of God as a flower is offered in pooja. Make every breath an offering to Him. Do not be upset by calamities; take them as acts of grace. If a man loses his hand in an accident, he must believe that it was the Lord's Grace that saved his life. When you know that nothing happens without His sankalpa (resolve), everything that happens has a value added to it. You may be neglecting a creeper in your backyard, but, if a sage passes by and says it is a rare drug that can cure snake poison, you erect a fence around it and do not allow children to pluck its leaves even for fun! When you know that the Lord is the cause, the source of all, you deal with everyone in a humble and reverent manner. That is the path which will lead you quickly to the Goal."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 20.2.1966)

Whatever work you do, consider it as God’s work. Whomever you see, respect them as the embodiment of God. - BABA

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