Thursday, August 22, 2024

After Death

What happens after death to the individual, Swamiji?

The final thought of the individual decides what form the Jivi assumes, when it is born again.  Just as the fragrance of a garden of lilies is carried by the breeze, the atmosphere of gunas or tendencies and characteristics which predominates in this life is carried forward into the next.  Birth in the next form has to take place very soon but the interval may be more or less.  When you switch on the lights, light comes immediately; when you switch on the fan, it takes time for the fan to whirl fast enough to cool the air.  If it is a stove, it takes longer still for the stove to be ready for cooking.  Of course, there are many who are not born again since they merge in the Ocean of Grace.

But population does not decrease!  That is because animals and other beings earn the human birth and come in, for the great chance.  Perhaps that is the reason why men are behaving like animals!

Why should you argue that animals, beasts and birds are bad?  Do not talk in an irresponsible manner.  Each animal is treading its Dharma, it does not overstep or undermine.  They have greater co-operation and mutual love than even men.  Each has to be judged from the point of view of the equipment and the opportunity.  Man can live better, if only he learns from animals.  He is degrading himself even lower.  When the Lord incarnates, He has as one of His tasks, "parithranaya Sadhoonam", the protection of sadhus, of beings with quiet innocent natures.  Among animals, there are countless sadhus, remember.

(From the book "The Light of Love" 

 An account of Bhagawan's trip to East Africa)

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