Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Gems of Wisdom

 “Helping others brings deep satisfaction. No matter how powerful we may seem to be, our survival depends on the community. Clearly the community is crucial to individual happiness, so if we make others happy, we too derive benefit. We need to take action. However, if we act out of self-centredness, it will be difficult to be transparent, to earn others' trust and friendship. By learning to be more warm-hearted, we can create a more compassionate world.”

“If I’m happy just for myself, I’m much less likely to be happy. If I am happy when good things happen to others, I have a billion more chances to be happy!”

“Sadly, many of the things that undermine our joy and happiness we create ourselves. Often it comes from the negative tendencies of the mind or from our inability to appreciate and utilize the resources that exist within us. Suffering from a natural disaster we cannot control, but the suffering from our daily disasters we can. We create most of our suffering, so it’s logical that we also have the ability to create more joy. It simply depends on the attitudes, the perspectives, and the reactions we bring to situations and to our relationships with other people. When it comes to personal happiness there is a lot that we as individuals can do.”

“I pray for all of us, oppressors and friends, that together we will succeed in building a better world through human understanding and love, and by doing so we can reduce the pain and suffering of all sentient beings.”

"Material development and physical comfort alone don't relieve unhappiness, but if you’re relaxed and have peace of mind, whatever goes on around you won't upset you. It isn't the sophistication of the devices we own that brings us peace of mind, it's love and compassion.”

Samastha Lokha Sukhino Bhavanthu

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