Thursday, December 26, 2024

Gems of Wisdom

 “Time poses challenges; it is for you to figure out how you can benefit from them. See how you can turn a challenge into an opportunity for your own growth.”

“Often, in establishing your righteousness, you are insensitive to the feelings of others. When someone is hurt, arguing with them and establishing your righteousness will be in vain. By simply saying “I’m sorry,” you can uplift the other person and take away the bitterness. In many situations saying “I’m sorry” is better than establishing your righteousness – it can avert much unpleasantness. Sorry – this one word of five letters, when said sincerely, can remove anger, guilt, hatred and distance.”

“When we hold on to things, they become a reason for tension. If you allow the universe to work through you, you will find that life takes on to another level of existence.”

“Expecting respect shows our weakness and giving respect to people irrespective of who they are or what their standards are shows our wisdom.”

“The best form of worship is to be happy, to be grateful.”

“Your first and foremost commitment in life is to be with Truth, to evolve in truth.”

“In forgiveness, you see an intention behind a mistake, but in compassion you go a step further and look into the person’s heart, beyond their words, beyond their behavior, and see the wound in the person that caused them to make the mistake.”

Samastha Lokha Sukhino Bhavanthu

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