Saturday, March 1, 2025

Winning Bhagawan's Grace

What is the surest way to win Bhagawan’s grace? 

"Thousands of you have gathered here from all corners of this world. You have put up with many discomforts, hardships, and inconveniences, in your struggle to earn grace. It has been for each of you a lesson in love, tolerance, fortitude and patience. Your innate quality of love has enabled you to share in joy and peace. Love makes you all theists. You must be labelled an atheist, if you have no love in you, however demonstrative your religiosity may be! If you believe that you can win the grace of God by means of vows, fasts, feasts, recitation of hymns of praise, offering of flowers, etc., you are woefully mistaken. Love alone is the essential condition. The Gita says you must be adhweshta sarva bhutanam - one with non-hatred towards all beings; but that is not enough. A wall has no hatred towards any being. Is that the ideal? No. You must positively love all beings, actively love, and actively engage yourself in acts of love. That alone wins the grace you crave for!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 23.2.1971)

When you become all-embracing infinite Love, the Divine will manifest in and through you. – BABA

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