Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Tree

In the Bhagawad Gita, Sri Krishna declares, "Not even a leaf moves without My Will."
My journey began as a seed.
Blown by the wind of Time and Karma.
Embedded in the beauty of Mother Earth,
I began to grow.
Unseen by human eye,
My roots expanded into the depth of Being.
To the world I was a tree.
My earthly guardians ensured I had a straight posture.
Around me they placed the fence of discipline.
Their tender love and encouragement helped me grow.
Education taught me about the seasons of life.
Joy and sorrows with equal mind.
The sun frequently warmed my back.
The rain washed me clean.
Snow gave me a chill like no other.
And the wind shared my growth.
Another tree,
Another place,
Another time,
Another life.

The time felt right, I had been part of history.

My purpose to provide shelter had been served.

With the world I had shared the breath of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

For the future, I had given new life, new seeds.

The day arrived, within minutes;

Divine will prevailed and the tree was no more.

Even then, the trunk moved on.

Process after process.

Until one day I was ready for another purpose,

to write "HIS-story".

I stand before you today, a blank piece of paper.

Blessed by His Grace and inscribed with the poem you are reading.

Only He knew my beginning,

Only He knew the end.

Because he remained with me throughout,

My loyal and trusted friend.

~ Anita Devi ~

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