There is a story connected with the construction of the great temple at Kalahasthi. It was built according to tradition by sage Agasthya, helped by Bharadwaja.
Everyday when the sun was about to set, Agasthya called every worker before him as he sat on the river bed and under his instruction, two sages poured into the lap of each worker sand taken from the bed; that was his wages! Now that sand changed into gold in strict proportion to the work that the receiver had put in that day. If one did more work, he got more gold; if less less. If one had wasted the entire day, it would remain sand, so far as that worker was concerned.
There was no injustice, no grumbling, no favouritism. All worked in the presence of the All-seeing and accepted the gold that was vouchsafed by the Almighty, for it was just his due, no more, no less.
It is work that is done in this spirit, the spirit of the constant presence of the Lord that is honest. The Lord will reward by His grace the work that is done sincerely and gladly, not work that is done for fear of superior officers. If hearts are pure, your work too would be pure.
(Chinna Katha from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)
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