Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A man was advised by his guru that every time he took a breath, he should utter the word "Shivoham".  Thus, during the waking hours he would be uttering the name of God several thousand times a day and this would be simple and good spiritual practice.  The man followed the advice and went on uttering the word every time he took a breath.

A friend who saw this asked him what the word "Sivoham" meant.  "It means that I am Lord Siva," said the man.  The friend asked, "If you are Siva what is Parvati to you?"  Quick came the reply "Parvati is my Divine Mother".  The friend to the shock of the devotee asked, "If you are Siva how can Parvati, His wife, be your Mother?"

Bhagawan Baba said that the devotee should have answered, "I am Parvati also," which implies that Siva and Parvati are not different from one another.  The same divine Atmic principle is present in both.  One who has realised this truth is the one of wisdom.

This shows how most people who practise spiritual sadhana ritualistically carry on such practices without deep conviction.  Mechanical repetition of mantra or divine names cannot take a person to the desired goal.

(From the book "I am I" by Ratan Lal)

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