Wednesday, June 25, 2014

From Fear Set Free

The most dramatic and significant effect Sri Bhavagan Sathya Sai Baba has had on my life, on all levels - physical, mental and spiritual - is that by His Presence, I am now able to live each moment completely devoid of fear!  The realization that the Lord, as a living avatar, now walks amongst us, loving, guiding and protecting us, automatically brings peace and re-assurance of the highest order.

As a prelude to this realization, my own personal release from Fear came as a result of an inward encounter with Bhagavan Baba in January 1977.  At that time, Swami, as an Inner Voice and Presence, imparted to me that there is absolutely nothing to fear in the entire Universe because all there is is LOVE - no matter what it looks or feels like!

From that moment forward, I was so thoroughly convinced of this Truth, that the entire Universe truly loves, protects and cherishes me that "Fear" has had nothing to draw on for support.  By being released from Fear, all that usually accompanied Fear was also released, such as anger, worry, tension, anxiety, resentment, etc.  More and more have I now experienced Love, Joy, Peace and Truth rushing in to fill the void Fear once occupied.

In gratitude for this exquisite and magnificent gift of freedom from Fear, which so beautifully reflects Swami's Infinite Compassion and Love, I pray that my life may become a true Beacon of Light, serving the Lord and my fellowman.

May all Praise, Honour and Glory turn to Our Beloved Baba, the Master of all Creation.

~ Michele Joy Ferrari ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - Feb. 1985)

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