Saturday, June 7, 2014



"Without self-confidence, no achievement is possible.  If you have confidence in your strength and skill, you can draw upon the inner springs of courage and raise yourselves to a higher level of joy and peace.  For confidence in yourselves arises through the Atma, which is your inner reality.  The Atma is peace, it is joy, it is strength, it is wisdom.  So it is from the Atma that you draw all those equipments for spiritual progress.

The first thing to do is to acquire confidence in yourself.  It is only when you have self-confidence that you will have self-satisfaction.  When a small bird perches on a small branch of a tree, on account of the weight of the bird, that branch shakes, but the bird is not going to be upset by such movement.  What is the reason?  The bird which is sitting on the branch is not depending for its safety on the branch.  It is depending on its own wings.  Even if the branch moves up and down or even if the branch breaks, because the bird is depending on its own wings, it can fly away.  it does not worry at all.  

Even the small bird which is sitting on the branch has got so much confidence in its own wings and in itself, that it is fearless."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - Feb. 1996)

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