Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What Swami Wrote as a Boy

Swami wrote the following poem when he was seven years old.

"To see your face in a mirror, do you need anybody's help?

Why do you need anyone's friendship for this purpose?

To view the moon in the sky, do you need a lamp?

To look at the moon shining in the sky, do you require any other source of light?

To know your own Atma, why do you need a guru?

The Atma is your God, your Vishnu, Siva and Brahma.  One who has realised this, why does he need any preceptor?"

Everyone should realise that the same Universal Divine Spirit is the Indweller in every being.  All are embodiments of the Divine.  When this sacred feeling fills everyone, there will be no room for conflict or chaos."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 15.8.1996)

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