Friday, February 13, 2015

Where is Kailasa?

"Sivarathri makes one aware of the fact that Divinity is all-pervasive and is to be found everywhere.  It is said that Siva lives in Kailasa.  But where is Kailasa?  Kailasa is our own joy, our own bliss.  It means that Easwara lives in the Kailasa of delight.  If we can develop that sense of delight and joy in our heart, that itself is Kailasa.  How can one get this joy?  It can be experienced when we develop purity, steadiness and sacredness.  This will fill the heart with peace and bliss.  Then our heart itself will become Kailasa and Siva will be there in the sanctum sanctorum of our heart within the temple of our body."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - Mar. 2003)

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