Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Baba's Storytime - Nothing Goes with You in the End

After his death, a rich man was being taken to the abode of Vishnu by his messengers.  Suddenly, he requested the messengers to take him once to his house.  Out of compassion, they acceded to his request.

The rich man went to his house and looked around in all directions.  After surveying the entire compound, he gave out a sigh and said to the messengers, "Come, let's go."  The messengers asked him, "What is the matter?  You were so very happy while coming but now you are sad and disappointed."  The rich man replied, "So long as I lived, I lovingly served my wife and children, brothers and sisters and all relatives.  I helped them all, gave them the money required by them and fulfilled all their desires.  I requested you to take me back to my house to see if anyone of them was prepared to come with me.  I wished that they would at least say a few good words about me.  But one of them think about me.  All are busy in their household chores.  All the service rendered to them by me has gone totally wasted.  Had I spent that time and money in the service of the Lord, I would have earned great merit, isn't it?

Not even a blade of grass goes with you at the time of your departure form this world.  Like a drop of water on a lotus leaf, lead your life in this world with dispassion, without any attachment whatsoever.

(Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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