Sunday, June 21, 2015

Baba's Storytime - True Renunciation

There lived in a village a husband and his wife who were both great spiritual aspirants.  They were repositories of discrimination and wisdom and had great faith in the pre-eminence of renunciation.

Once they set out on a pilgrimage.  On their way, they passed through a forest.  The husband was walking ahead, and his wife was following closely behind him.  While walking on the way, the husband saw a precious jewel brilliantly shining in the dust.  He covered it with a little more dust so that his wife might not get tempted by it on seeing it.  

The wife understood the import of her husband's action and said to him, :"Dear one!  Do you consider dust and jewel different from each other?  It means the feeling of disparity considering one thing greater than the other, has not yet left you."  The husband realised his shortcoming and understood that his wife was a greater renunciant than him.

For a true renunciant, both dust and jewel are equal.

(Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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