Tuesday, September 29, 2015

May All Living Beings of All the Worlds be Happy


"Ahamkara is the root of all troubles. Man should get rid of Ahamkara (the feeling that he is the doer). As long as the ego is dominant, the Atmic consciousness will not develop. The egoist cannot recognise the Atma. It is egoism that is at the root of all man's troubles. It is the kind of delusion that is based on the misconceived notion that the body is real and permanent. The truth is otherwise. From an early age one should recognise the evanescence of the body and the senses and control the desires prompted by the sense organs. Desires are insatiable. The pursuit of wealth, power and position can only end in misery. Instead, one should take refuge in God and dedicate all actions to the Divine."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
 (Divine Discourse - 9.1.1988)

Monday, September 28, 2015

O Lord Supreme

O Lord Supreme, do open up
The eye of my heart
To see Your universal body
Inside the ocean of light
I shall discover
Your transcendental Self-Form
In the heart of all
I shall see You
And love You soulfully and unconditionally
It is You who will transform
My ignorant heart
Into the flood of wisdom-light.

~ Sri Chinmoy ~

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Human Values

"The power of mind is matchless. It is from the mind that the most precious virtues originate. If wealth is lost, it can be earned again. If health is lost, it can be restored with the help of an efficient doctor. But if human values are lost, human life becomes a waste. Human values are the need of the hour. They cannot be acquired solely from sacred texts nor can they be passed on by learned preceptors. They originate from within. When we develop noble thoughts and follow the path of truth in our daily life, human values will blossom in us and protect us under all circumstance."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 14.1.2003)

Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Vibhuti is Your Note to Me

Here is the significance behind Vibhuti giving by Swami:
"Then he turned to our pharmacist and asked him, “What is the difference between medicines and sweets?” He could not give a proper reply; he kept wondering as to what could be the relation between medicines and sweets! Bhagawan Himself provided the answer, “If there are ten persons and you have enough sweets for five persons, you can divide the sweets into ten parts and satisfy everyone. However, if you have medicine for a hundred persons, you can treat only a hundred patients with full dosages. You have to just turn away the remaining patients without giving them anything.” 
Upadhyay asked Him, “Swami, it is difficult to send people away without giving them anything. They come from long distances. What can we do in such situations?” 
Bhagawan instantaneously replied, “Give them vibhuti!”
Upadhyay queried, “Swami, many of the people have no knowledge of the power of vibhuti; they lack faith. Will it still work?” 
Baba smiled and said, “You are an eye doctor. What will you do when you get a patient with a kidney problem?” 
“I will refer the patient to a kidney doctor.” 
“How will you do that?” 
“I will do it by giving him a reference-note for the kidney doctor.” 
“The moment vibhuti touches the patient’s forehead, he is referred to Me and it becomes my responsibility to take care of him! The vibhuti is your note to Me.” 
The doctors were struck by the power of the revealing assurance from the divine doctor." 

(From: Sathyam Sivam Sundaram. Volume 6) 

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Quotable Quotes

"Everyone thinks of changing the world,
 but no one thinks of changing himself."

~ Leo Tolstoy ~

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Journey of the Soul

As I sit looking up at the sky
I ask myself why oh why
Must the earth be a place for learning
A soul is always craving and yearning
To experience all it must know
The challenges of life we must go
To face our fears hidden inside
To walk through them taking it with stride
Overcoming all obstacles in our way
Living each day to the fullest, day by day
It's a difficult task for one to survive
It makes you feel good about being alive
The soul begins to soar once it has completed its task
Ridding itself of its material mask
And goes back to a place unknown to man
Come one day we will all understand.

~ Author Unknown ~

Baba's Storytime - Boatman's Pride

A man engaged a boat to take him across the  flooded Godavari.  When the journey over the river started, he began a lively conversation with the boatman.  He asked him whether he had any schooling and when the reply came that he had none, he said sadly, "Alas!  A quarter of your life has gone to waste.  It is as if you have drowned those years in the Godavari."  

He asked him whether he could tell him the time from his watch.  The boatmen confessed he did not have a watch nor cared to have one.  The pundit deplored and said, "Half your life has gone into the Godavari."

The next question was about newspapers; did the boatman read any? What was his favourite paper?  The boatman replied that he did not read any nor did he care to know the news.  He had enough to worry about already.  The pundit declared forthright that three quarters of the boatman's life had been wasted.

Just then the sky darkened with storm clouds and there was an imminent threat of rain.  The boatmen turned to the pundit.  It was his turn to put a question.  He asked "Can you swim?" and when the frightened passenger confessed he could not, the boatman said, "In that case, your entire life is now going to merge in the Godavari."

(Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sai Madhuryam

From the Sath has emerged all there is, 
The Sath permeates the whole of creation, 
Nothing exists without the power of Sath, 
Behold the glory of this eternal Sath. 
Tossed about on the bitter ocean of mundane existence, 
Going hither and hither without a rudder or a compass, 
If only you steady your mind for a moment,
The Lord of Sri will send you, Oh man, His rescue boat. 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Divine Wisdom

Imbalance in Nature

"Man should put a ceiling on his desires. As man’s conduct is perverted, today we find natural calamities taking place. You are aware of the devastation caused by the earthquake in Gujarat. Thousands of people lost their lives.

The reason for this is that, man is entertaining excessive desires. God maintains perfect balance in His creation. In God’s creation, the earth and the oceans are endowed with balance. But man is indiscriminately exploiting the earth for extracting oil. Every day tonnes of fish are caught from the oceans. This indiscriminate exploitation of nature results in imbalance in earth, which is playing havoc with human lives. 

Only when man is free from Kampam (unsteadiness) within, will he not be troubled by Bhukampam (earthquake). Not only the people of Bharat but also the people of the entire world should strive to maintain balance. The five elements are nothing but manifestations of the Divine. Man’s life will be secure only when he realises this truth and acts accordingly. 

A few days ago, I had sent Lorry loads of rice, grams, etc., to the earthquake victims of Gujarat. Some people asked “Swami, why should you take the trouble of spending so much money for sending the relief material to Gujarat. You could have as well averted the earthquake.” I replied, “My dear, man has to blame himself for the earthquakes. Due to excessive greed for wealth, he is disturbing the balance of the earth. Hence the earthquake. That is the law of Nature. 

You have to express your love for man by helping the needy. Love is your nature. Just as balance is very much essential for Nature, so also love is very much needed for man. Know that whatever God has created is for your own welfare. You should enjoy Nature according to your need. You should not rob Nature of its resources to satisfy your greed. Here is an example. Once a greedy person owned a duck, which used to lay a golden egg every day. One day, he ripped open the stomach of the duck thinking that he would get many golden eggs at a time. Today man also is indulging in such foolish and greedy acts. Instead of being satisfied with what Nature is giving him, he aspires for more and more, and in the process, creating imbalance in Nature."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Sivarathri - 21.2.2001)

Quotable Quotes

"A human being is a part of the whole called ... universe ...
Our task must be to widen our circle of compassion to
embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

~ Albert Einstein ~

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Divinity Pervades the Entire Nature

"All that you see in the external world is nothing but the manifestation of God. All of you who have assembled here are the embodiments of God. Even this hall is a manifestation of God. In fact, you are yourself God. Though you see God everywhere, still you search for Him. Here is a small example. The hostel boys see Sai Gita every day, so they are not excited about it. But if they happen to see even the tail of an elephant in a forest, they would feel thrilled. Likewise, though you see God in the form of people around you, you are not excited. But if you see a person with three heads, you will become ecstatic thinking that you had the vision of Divine Cosmic Form. You should understand that Divinity pervades the entire nature."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 21.2.2001) 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Within ...

Within every problem lies a solution
Within every fear lies courage
Within every challenge lies victory
Within every disappointment lies celebration
Within every argument lies forgiveness
Within every disease lies healing
Within every upheaval lies grace
Within every moment lies the
Possibility of greatness
May you find strength in the possibility.

~ Author Unknown ~

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ganesh Chaturthi 2015

“Vinayaka is the master of every kind of knowledge. Learning is related to the intellect (buddhi). It is not mere scholarship. Familiarity with books is not knowledge. One's entire life is a continuous process of learning. Any process of inquiry is related to learning. But basically our inquiry should be concerned with finding out what is transient and what is permanent. This is true knowledge."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
 (Sanathana Sarathi, October 1995)

Inner Significance

"What is the inner significance of worshiping the elephant-faced deity? The elephant is a symbol of might and magnitude. The elephant's foot is larger than that of any other animal. The elephant can make its way through the densest jungle. In this way, it signifies the quality of a leader who shows the way for others. The elephant is also known for its faithfulness and gratitude. These are the lessons man should learn from the elephant. Intelligence without gratitude is valueless. Every man should be grateful to those who have helped him".

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 7.9.1997)

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

May All the Living Beings of All the Worlds be Happy


"Every man has a heart. Every heart is filled with compassion. However, how many choose to share this compassion with others? Sharing the compassion in one's heart with ten others has been characterised as Bhakthi (devotion). One who does not share his compassion with others cannot be called a human being. Today the human heart that should be full of compassion has become stone-hard. This is man's misfortune. What is the reason? It is because the heart is filled with the bitterness of differences of caste, creed and nationality that it has become stony. All human beings belong to one caste, one community, one nation. All are embodiments of the Divine. Krishna declared in the Geetha: "All beings in the world are a fragment of My Self." It is tragic that man should forget his divine essence and behave like a demon." 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 23.3.1996)

Sai Madhuryam

Devotion alone bestows the supreme good; 
Devotion alone is the destroyer of the disease of the cycle of birth and death; 
Devotion alone is the means of recognizing Divinity; 
Devotion alone is the means of Liberation.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Monday, September 14, 2015

Guaranteed Delivery

I got up early this morning, hopped in my car, and headed to the local post office. I drove along with eager anticipation that something I had been waiting for would be there. It had been ten days since I sent for it and I was sure that it would finally be waiting in my mailbox today. When I got there I slid my key into the box and opened the door. My face fell, however, when I saw it was empty. I sighed and shut the door. "Maybe tomorrow", I said to myself as I got in my car and headed home.

I didn't blame the post office for my disappointment. It is amazing how many millions of letters and packages they deliver on time every single day. I didn't blame the place I ordered it from either. They had said it could be up to two weeks before I got it. I only blamed my own impatience. I had never been one for waiting. I had always wanted everything in my life right away, and it had taken God many years to teach me to take the long view of eternity. Still, I was grateful to Him because there was one package I always got guaranteed delivery.

You see, everyday I open the door of my soul and find the shining package of God's love waiting on the doorstep. Everyday I open it and find my spirit filled with joy. It is so wonderful knowing that God loves us all completely and unconditionally. It is so glorious knowing that His love is forever waiting to fill our hearts full to overflowing. It saddens me, though, to know that so many people out there refuse delivery.

When you open the door of your soul today don't refuse delivery. When you see that shining gift of God's love take it into your arms and welcome it into your heart. Then go out and share it with everyone you meet. And always remember that God's love is not only guaranteed delivery but also guaranteed to grow in every heart that freely gives it to others.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella ~

To Believe

To believe is to know that every day is a new beginning. 
It is to trust that miracles happen, and dreams really do come true.

To believe is to see angels dancing among the clouds, 
To know the wonder of a stardust sky and the wisdom of the man in the moon.

To believe is to know the value of a nurturing heart, 
The innocence of a child's eyes and the beauty of an aging hand, 
for it is through their teachings we learn to love.

To believe is to find the strength and courage that lies within us. 
When it is time to pick up the pieces and begin again.

To believe is to know we are not alone, 
That life is a gift and this is our time to cherish it. 
To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen, 
And all our hopes and dreams are within reach.

If only we believe.

~ Author Unknown ~

Saturday, September 12, 2015


"What is this mind? It is Maya (delusion). It is desire. It is ignorance. It is Prakriti (the phenomenal world). It is Bhraanti (aberration). Immersed in this mental aberration, if you wish to realise the Brahman, how is it possible? You are afraid of your own shadow. Your thoughts frighten you. The truth is there is only the One. It is called by different names. It is the Atma. The pandits describe the Supreme as Sat-Chit-Ananda (Being-Awareness-Bliss). This is not correct. He is Sat, He is Chit and He is Ananda. These are not three different qualities of the Divine. He is the embodiment of each of them."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 25.5.1990)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Peace of Mind

"Having put on the vesture of the human body, one cannot escape from difficulties.  The physical body may undergo difficulties but you should see to it that your mind rests in peace.  Mind is the basis of happiness for everyone.  All physical comforts will be of little use without peace of mind.  Only through contemplation of God can you attain peace of mind and not by any other means.  Hence, chant the Name of God incessantly unmindful of the difficulties that come in your way."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 23.8.2004)

Baba's Storytime - The Fruit of Fortitude

Arjuna was lost in meditation on Siva, during his life as an ascetic in the Himalayan valley. Suddenly, a huge wild boar ran across the place where he was and evidently standing at bay, was grunting ferociously and snorting in terrible anger. Though during the penance, he should not hurt any living being, he hastily took up his bow and shot an arrow at the monster. 

Just at that moment, a Bhil of the forest, also armed with bow and arrow, appeared on the scene and claimed the boar as his kill. "Who are you, intruder, daring to shoot at my prey?" he shouted and he was in a defiant mood. Arjuna felt deeply insulted by the forest-dwelling tribesman. "The forest and its wild life are the property of all", he claimed. "Why did you kill the boar I was stalking?" asked the Bhil.

From words they soon came to arrows. Arjuna noticed that his arrows fell off the Bhil, like blades of grass. He stood helpless and full of rage. He dealt a fierce blow with his bow on the head of the Bhil, but the bow it was that broke. He engaged the Bhil with his fists. They struggled long, dealing hammer blows on each other, but it was Arjuna who flopped on the ground. The Bhil was not exhausted in the least, though Arjuna was gasping for breath, and bleeding.

Then Arjuna realised that the Bhil was no ordinary mortal. He moulded a Linga of the Siva he was adoring and offered some flowers on it. And, he saw those flowers on the head of the Bhil and of his wife, who had joined him meanwhile. He was overcome with delight, for, he now knew they were Siva and His Consort, Parvati, come to test his fortitude and bless him.

He ran towards them, exclaiming, ‘Oh Sankara, Mother Gowri!’ and fell at their Feet. He prayed that They should pardon him for his rashness and ignorance. 

Gowri and Sankara, who are the embodiments of Grace, lifted him by the shoulders lovingly and stroked his head affectionately. ‘Son,’ they said, ‘You have attained the fruition of your life. You did your duty as you were bound to do. That is not wrong, at all. Now, take this; here is the sign of Our Grace’—and he got from the Hand of Siva Himself the Divine Pasupatha Asthra.

(Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sai Madhuryam

As in the sesame seed oil exists,
As in milk ghee is present,
As fragrance resides in a flower,
As the juice exists in a fruit,
As fire is latent in a faggot,
So is the Divine immanent in subtle form.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Quotable Quotes

"To master others is to have strength.
To master oneself is to have power."

~ Lao Tzu ~

The Meaning of True Love

It is sharing and caring, 
Giving and forgiving, 
Loving and being loved, 
Walking hand in hand, 
Talking heart to heart, 
Seeing through each other’s eyes, 
Laughing together, 
Weeping together, 
Praying together, 
And always trusting, 
And believing, 
And thanking God 
For each other… 
For love that is shared 
is a beautiful thing- 
It enriches the soul 
and makes the heart sing!

~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Unwanted House Guests

Have you ever had unwanted house guests? I am talking about the ones who wear out their welcome in the first two minutes yet plan to stay forever. I am talking about the ones who trash the place, eat all the food, sit in your favorite chair, and take over your bed. I am talking about the ones that even your dogs avoid. I am talking about the ones that take everything and give back nothing. I am talking about the ones that only brighten up a room when they leave it.

I had two guests like this for years. Their names were Fear and Hate and they seemed like permanent squatters in my soul. Every time I would try and toss them out, I would look around a few days later and find that they had snuck back in. They also invited their friends Worry, Doubt, Jealousy, Envy, Frustration, Depression, and Despair to stay as well. It made for a miserable home and a miserable life.

Finally one day I could take it no longer. I cried out to God to help me get rid of these unwanted guests once and for all. It was then that I heard a gentle knock on the door of my soul. When I opened it I found Love there smiling at me. I invited Love in and watched as my unwanted house guests fled out the door and through the windows. They couldn’t leave quick enough. 

Then Love asked his friends Peace and Joy over to help straighten up the place. I soon realized too that Love was a guest I never wanted to leave. Every now and then Fear and Hate will try to sneak back in, but when they see Love sitting on the couch they run.

God loves us so much and He wants us to love as well. He wants us to choose love, share love, and fill our lives with love. He wants us to love each other as He loves us. He wants us to make Love our permanent house guest and best friend. Open your door then. Invite Love in. Let Fear and Hate hit the highway. Make your home a happy one now and forever.

~ Joseph J. Mazzella ~


"Man must get rid of the feeling that he is the doer.  As long as the ego is dominating, the Atma or God consciousness will not be realised.  The egoist cannot recognise the Atma.  Therefore, first crush your ego.  It is egoism that is the root cause of all troubles of man."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - Dec.2003)

Friday, September 4, 2015

Krishna Murari

Krishna Murari Bhava Bhaya Hari
Hey Giridhari Gopal
Parthi Vihari Hrudaya Vihari
Bhakta Sakha Bhagawan
Hey Bhakta Sakha Bhagawan
Bhakta Sakha Bhagawan

O Lord Krishna!  
Thou art the slayer of the demon Mura, 
the holder of the mountain,
the destroyer of the fear of the 
bondage of birth and death,
and the resident of Parthi and of our hearts.

Sri Krishna Janmashtami 2015

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Make the Effort

"No spiritual study or saadhana can help to purify one's heart unless one makes the effort himself. And when the heart is purified, it becomes a worthy abode for the Divine."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 28.9.1984)

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Sai Madhuryam

Good education is 
That which teaches the method of achieving world peace; 
That which destroys narrow-mindedness and 
That which promotes unity, equality, and peaceful co-existence among human beings.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Baba's Storytime - Waste of Time

There was a doctor in Benares who spent 5 minutes in the morning and 5 in the evening for meditation on God.  Knowing this, his colleagues and friends laughed at his idiosyncrasy. 

One day they argued that he was wasting ten precious minutes on something which he had been misled into believing.  The doctor replied, "Well, if God does not exist, I agree that I am wasting ten minutes a day.  But what if He exists?  I am afraid you are wasting your entire lifetime.  I prefer to waste ten minutes rather than a lifetime.  Why should you grudge me the ten minutes' joy that I derive therefrom?  I am not robbing you of your joy; why should you rob me of mine?" he asked.

The cynics were silenced.

(Quoted from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Quotable Quotes

"On the edge of the forest, 
live joyfully,
without desire."

~ Buddha ~