Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Baba's Storytime - The Nature of Divine Love

The nature of Divine love is not rightly understood by most people. For instance, even a great woman like Dhraupadhi did not understand the ways of the Lord. 

Once, during their exile, while she and Yudhishthira were strolling in the Himaalayas. Dhraupadhi asked Yudhishthira with tears streaming from her eyes, "Dear Lord, you have taken such good care of your subjects, you fed the starving and relieved the needy, you always adhered to Dharma. Why should you be subject to this present suffering? You are the very embodiment of Righteousness. We are leading the life of a destitute here. Why should this happen to you? Have we forfeited God's grace? Is there anything wanting in our devotion?"

Smilingly, Dharmaja replied, "Dhraupadhi! Look at the Himaalaya mountains. How beautiful are the peaks! I am filled with joy looking at those mountains. They do not serve me in any way, but still they fill me with joy. The beauty of Nature gives me joy. Beauty is bliss. That bliss is nectarine. There is no joy equal to the enjoyment of the beautiful. When you look at a flower, you derive ineffable joy, though the flower renders you no service. Nature is the vesture of God. When you behold Nature, you experience bliss. I love Nature for the joy it gives. I derive joy from seeing it and for no other benefit. 

Likewise, God should be loved in a selfless spirit. I love Krishna regardless of what difficulties I have to suffer, because that is the way I love him. I have no interest in the transient pleasures and possessions of the world. True bliss transcends the fleeting pleasures experienced by this perishable body. Dhraupadhi! Do not seek these pleasures relating to the body. Seek the Divine feet of the Lord, which will confer enduring bliss. Do not grieve over petty difficulties. Concern yourself with the means to experience God. All other things are valueless." 

The bliss from experiencing the Divine has been extolled by the Vedhic seers and sages from ancient times. It is holy, eternal, ineffable and infinite. It is the bliss of oneness with God.

(From the Divine Discourse of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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